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Hair Restoration Jupiter

The Essence of Growth


Hair loss can be a difficult and emotional issue, but it doesn’t have to be permanent! TruWellnessMD uses the cutting-edge science of hair restoration in Jupiter along with hair growth factors to stimulate new hair growth and restore your beautiful locks. We strive to deliver the best hair restoration Jupiter has to offer. Hair restoration with growth factors is a revolutionary treatment that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate hair regrowth.

PRP hair restoration takes advantage of the body’s healing mechanism by using growth factors drawn from a sample of your blood to reverse the effects of age and environmental damage on your scalp. Hair restoration with growth factors can help with thinning hair or hair loss due to androgenic alopecia or age.



  • Male pattern baldness
  • Female pattern baldness
  • Thinning hair
  • Receding hairline
  • Bald patches on the scalp
Hair Restoration Jupiter

The Healing Essence


The human blood contains numerous components, including plasma, platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells. The platelets contain a high volume of growth factors responsible for most of your body’s healing processes, such as cellular growth, multiplication, and regeneration. Thanks to modern aesthetic medicine, we can harness the body’s growth factors to stimulate collagen production, improve skin health, and reverse hair loss.

Your Body's Healing Power


Hair restoration in Jupiter involves harnessing your body’s innate healing properties to reverse hair loss. The medical provider harvests a blood sample, isolates the PRP, and injects the growth factor-rich serum into your scalp. The growth factors produce new blood vessels and improve blood circulation to the scalp, thus improving the delivery of essential nutrients. Over time, the dormant hair follicles come alive again, leading to improved hair growth.

Empowering Hair Renewal


Hair restoration with growth factors is a completely autologous treatment, which means it’s based on components derived from your body. Since we don’t inject foreign objects or chemicals, the risk of allergic reactions and complications is negligible. Your body recognizes the PRP serum and growth factors as its own, thus readily accepting the product. As such, hair restoration is extremely safe and effective.

Golden Comfort


TruWellnessMD ensures a comfortable hair restoration in Jupiter experience. The medical provider draws a small blood sample from your arm via a syringe, similar to a diagnostic blood draw. The blood sample is spun in a centrifuge machine to isolate the platelet-rich plasma, which rises to the top of the vial as a golden-colored serum. The medical provider applies a numbing gel on your scalp, following which the PRP serum is injected into targeted areas.

Anesthesia: Topical (Optional)

Generally speaking, anesthesia is not necessary for PRP hair restoration. However, in some cases, a numbing cream may be applied to help you feel comfortable during the procedure.

Duration: 30 To 60 Minutes

PRP hair restoration is a simple treatment that takes no more than 60 minutes per session. Our Jupiter hair restoration patients first session will be the longest because it involves a detailed consultation and evaluation, but all other treatments should only take 30 minutes.

Side Effects: Minimal

PRP hair restoration is a safe and effective procedure; however, as with any medical procedure, there are potential side effects. Most commonly, these can be minor and temporary, including redness or swelling at the injection site and occasional discomfort. Rare side effects may also include headaches, nausea, or itching.

Downtime: None

Hair restoration doesn’t involve any downtime. Our Jupiter hair restoration patients can resume most of their normal activities and work immediately after the treatment, but should refrain from strenuous workouts and avoid washing their hair for the day.

Results: 6 To 12 Months

PRP hair restoration can help you regain your natural hair. Results can be seen as early as 3 months, although it can take up to 6 to 12 months for the full effect to appear. To achieve the best results, it is recommended that you have 3 to 4 treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Longevity: 18 To 24 Months

PRP hair restoration is a great way to restore natural hair growth, but the results don’t last forever. After your final session, you can enjoy the results for 18 to 24 months before scheduling another session.

Frequency: 2 To 3 Per Year

Generally, the initial round of treatment consists of 3 to 4 PRP hair restoration sessions spread out over several weeks. After the initial round, you will need 2 to 3 treatments per year to maintain the results of your hair restoration in Jupiter.

With Concierge Functional Medicine, there is an emphasis on building a strong connection with the patient, allowing for more in-depth and personalized care. We know how difficult it can be to navigate the healthcare system, and our team is here to provide the highest level of care and support. Experience tru(e) results at our med spa in Jupiter today.

1209 Main St., Suite 104, Jupiter, FL 33458