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Medical Weight Loss

True Weight Loss at TruWellnessMD

Jupiter Medical Weight Loss at TruWellnessMD

Weight loss management can be difficult, but with the right support, you can successfully achieve and sustain your ideal weight. TruWellnessMD offers personalized, medically-supervised weight loss management to help you achieve your weight loss goals safely and sustainably. We strive to deliver the best medical weight loss Jupiter has to offer.

Achieve & Sustain Your Ideal Weight

What is medically-supervised weight loss management?

Medically-supervised weight loss management is an effective approach for those looking to take control of their health and weight. It includes lifestyle, dietary, and behavioral changes and ongoing support from a medical professional to help you achieve and sustain your ideal weight. With this integrated and individualized approach, you get the support needed to make and maintain the changes required to reach your goals. Our medical weight loss plans are personalized to your specific needs to ensure success.

Why Self-Managed Diet Plans Fail

Most fad diets and self-managed diet plans tend to be radical invasions of our usual eating habits, so it’s no surprise they often fail. Once you’ve deprived yourself of the food you enjoy, you’re left unsatisfied and unmotivated, making it almost impossible to keep up with your diet long-term. Furthermore, most diet plans also lack the personalized approach you need to meet your individual nutritional needs, making them ineffective in the long run.

Medical Weight Loss Jupiter

Sustainable Weight Loss Programs

Your Medical Weight Loss Consultation

During your consultation, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of our highly effective weight management programs and discuss how they help achieve your weight loss goals. In addition, our experienced aesthetic specialists will take the time to understand your unique needs to create a customized Jupiter medical weight loss treatment plan.

This plan may include a range of options such as pharmaceutical grade supplements, IV & injection therapy, including Semaglutide and Mounjaro, and nutrition and exercise counseling. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and speak with one of our wellness and medical weight loss experts to discover if Semaglutide or other treatments may be the right option for you.

How Weight Loss Management Works

Medical Weight Loss Management

Medically-supervised weight loss plans combine evidence-based methods, like nutrition education and exercise, with professional supervision and guidance. This allows for accountability and diligent monitoring of progress, which can be particularly beneficial for those with more complex weight loss needs. Our Jupiter medical weight loss plans are designed after thorough consultations and evaluations of your body’s nutritional needs, so they’re more effective, sustainable, and healthier than self-managed diets.

Holistic Plans Designed For You

We understand that your health is more than a number on a scale. That’s why we offer comprehensive weight loss plans tailored to your needs. We begin each plan with lab tests to pinpoint any health issues or unique needs that must be considered. We design a personalized plan that includes lifestyle changes, nutritional support, diet management, and medical treatments, such as medication or hormone therapies, as needed.

Comprehensive Medical Testing

Comprehensive medical testing is at the heart of our physician-supervised and clinically-proven approach to helping patients reach and maintain a healthy weight. Through medical tests and in-depth consultations with our team of experts, we create an individualized plan tailored to each patient’s unique needs. We support and empower our patients with the comprehensive care, resources, and guidance necessary for successful, long-term weight loss.

Personalized Medical Treatments

Losing weight can be incredibly difficult, and a healthy diet and exercise may not always be enough to get the desired results. We offer personalized medical treatments, such as hormone replacement therapy and IV therapy, to aid your weight loss efforts. Hormone replacement therapy allows us to restore optimal hormone balance, boost metabolism, and regulate your hunger levels. IV therapy can provide essential nutrients and vitamins that boost your metabolism and support weight loss.

Nutritional Support & Lifestyle Changes

Nutrition and lifestyle changes are a great way to kickstart your weight loss journey. With the right nutritional support, you can learn how to make healthier food choices and develop better habits. We administer medical tests to understand your nutritional needs and optimize your diet plan. Along with lifestyle changes like increasing physical activity and managing stress, you can achieve sustainable and long-term weight loss success.

Transform Your Health Today!

Proactive Diet Management

Proactive diet management is a great way to reach your weight loss goals. Our medical weight loss plan helps you focus on eating healthier and more nutritious foods and provides personalized guidance to help you make the dietary changes necessary to reach and maintain a healthy weight. With our proactive diet management strategy, you can learn how to make lasting lifestyle changes to help you reach your weight loss goals once and for all!

Additional weight loss options include

Semaglutide: known by its brand name Wegovy, is a medication with the same active ingredient as Ozempic. As a glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, both Wegovy and Ozempic mimic the natural GLP-1 hormone produced by the body. This hormone is released naturally when you eat and plays a crucial role in managing blood sugar levels. With Semaglutide, you can effectively manage weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Mounjaro: (tirzepatide) isn't just for treating type 2 diabetes - it could also help with weight loss. When used alongside a healthy diet and exercise, studies have shown that Mounjaro can lead to an average weight loss of 12 to 25 lbs. While Mounjaro isn't currently approved as a weight loss medication, its potential benefits for weight management are promising.

Medical Weight Loss Jupiter

Ongoing Support & Progress Tracking

Medical Weight Loss Results

Our medically-supervised weight loss plan is designed to be supportive and encouraging. It provides the ongoing support you need to help you reach your goal. Additionally, we’ll track your progress weekly to ensure you’re on track to reach your goals. Weekly progress reports allow us to customize your weight loss plan as needed. You don’t have to tackle this journey alone — let us help you reach your goals.

With Concierge Functional Medicine, there is an emphasis on building a strong connection with the patient, allowing for more in-depth and personalized care. We know how difficult it can be to navigate the healthcare system, and our team is here to provide the highest level of care and support. Experience tru(e) results at our med spa in Jupiter today.

1209 Main St., Suite 104, Jupiter, FL 33458